Thursday, June 5, 2014

She Wet The Bed The First Night I Spent With Her – I NEED ADVICE

Normally I don’t really like coming on here to seek for people’s opinion on issues like this, but when a good friend, almost like a brother called me to seek for advice on this issue, I couldn’t say a thing. I was literally speechless.
He met this beautiful looking lady about 3months ago. And they’ve been dating ever since. They both work in the same state. They’ve had se’x on different occasions. But until yesterday, she had never slept in his apartment. She came around yesterday night and couldn’t go back to her own apartment sake of the heavy downpour. So after the first and second round of marathon se’x, they slept in each others arms. He woke up in the middle of the night and discovered the bed was wet. Like bed wetting wet! She woke up this morning and greeted him, removed the bed sheet, her panties, asked for his boxers and washed em all. After which she knelt down and apologized profusely.
According to her, this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to her. He on the other hand couldn’t utter a word. She left an hour later and sent him a text that if he wants to break up with her, she’ll totally understand.
He called and said he is confused and doesn’t even know what to do. He loves her yes, but he is not sure if he can continue dating a lady who bed wets i.e. assuming she is being coy with the truth.

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